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Introduction to Python Program Structure
- Python programs are composed of various elements such as statements, expressions, functions, and classes.
- The structure of a Python program is designed to be simple and readable.
2. Basic Elements of a Python Program
- Statements: Instructions that the Python interpreter can execute (e.g., print statements, assignment statements).
- Expressions: Combinations of values and operators that evaluate to a value (e.g., 2 + 3).
- Comments: Lines that are not executed by the interpreter, used for documentation (# This is a comment).
3. Indentation
- Python uses indentation to define the structure and scope of code blocks.
- Consistent indentation is crucial as it indicates the beginning and end of control structures (e.g., loops, functions).
4. Variables and Data Types
- Variables store data values and are created by assigning a value to a variable name (e.g., x = 5).
- Common data types include integers, floats, strings, and booleans.
5. Control Structures
- Conditional Statements: Used to execute code based on certain conditions (if, elif, else).
- Loops: Used to execute code repeatedly (for, while).
6. Functions
- Functions are reusable blocks of code that perform a specific task.
- Defined using the def keyword followed by the function name and parentheses (e.g., def my_function():).
7. Modules and Libraries
- Modules are files containing Python code that can be imported and used in other programs.
- Libraries are collections of modules that provide additional functionality (e.g., import math).
8. File Handling
- Python provides built-in functions to read from and write to files.
- Common functions include open(), read(), write(), and close().
9. Exception Handling
- Exception handling is used to manage errors and exceptions in a program.
- Implemented using try, except, finally blocks.