Programming with Javascript
Unlock the world of coding with our comprehensive beginner course in JavaScript programming.
Modular Structured Learning
Easy to follow and digest. This structure ensures a step-by-step learning process, building a solid foundation in JavaScript.
Practical & Interactive
Hands-On exercises and projects to apply learned skills and solidify understanding.
Practical experience with numerous hands-on exercises and projects. Actively engage in coding, applying what you learn in real-time to reinforce your understanding.
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Dive into programming with our engaging and interactive JAVASCRIPT course for all skill levels!
Course Description
Introduction to JavaScript Programming Course
Unlock the world of coding with our comprehensive beginner course in JavaScript programming. Designed with a modular structure, this course offers flexibility and caters to participants of all skill levels. Over the span of three weeks, you will dive into the fundamentals of JavaScript through interactive sessions and hands-on projects, ensuring an engaging and enriching learning experience.
Course Highlights:
Modular Structure: Each session is divided into 2-3 hour modules, making it easy to follow and digest. This structure ensures a step-by-step learning process, building a solid foundation in JavaScript.
Flexible Scheduling: With sessions held twice a week and repeated once, participants can choose the most convenient time slots that fit their busy schedules. This flexibility ensures everyone has the opportunity to attend and learn effectively.
Interactive Learning: Our course emphasizes practical experience with numerous hands-on exercises and projects. You will actively engage in coding, applying what you learn in real-time to reinforce your understanding.
Expert Guidance: Led by experienced IT engineers and tutors, each session is designed to provide you with in-depth knowledge and personalized support, helping you navigate through the intricacies of JavaScript programming.
Join us and start your journey into the exciting world of JavaScript programming. By the end of this course, you will have a strong grasp of the essentials and the confidence to take on more advanced programming challenges.
Introduction to JavaScript
Getting Started with JavaScript
- Overview of JavaScript and its importance
- Setting up the development environment (browser console, text editor)
- Writing your first JavaScript program: “Hello, World!”
- Basic syntax and structure
Practice Exercise:
- Create a simple program that prints “Hello, World!” to the console and manipulates the DOM to display it on a webpage.
Operators and Expressions
- Arithmetic operators
- Comparison operators
- Logical operators
- Assignment operators
Practice Exercise:
- Develop a calculator that performs basic arithmetic operations and displays the results.
Variables, Data Types, and Operators
Understanding Variables and Data Types
- Variables and constants (var, let, const).
- Data types (string, number, boolean, null, undefined, object)
- Type conversion and coercion.
Practice Exercise:
- Create a program that uses different data types and performs type conversion.
Operators and Expressions
- Arithmetic operators
- Comparison operators
- Logical operators
- Assignment operators
Practice Exercise:
- Develop a calculator that performs basic arithmetic operations and displays the results.
Control Structures
- for loop
- while loop
- do-while loop
- break and continue statements
Practice Exercise:
- Develop a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100 and replaces multiples of 3 with “Fizz”, multiples of 5 with “Buzz”, and multiples of both with “FizzBuzz”.
Conditional Statements
- if, else if, and else statements
- Switch-case statements
- Ternary operator
Practice Exercise:
- Create a program that takes user input and displays a message based on the input value.
Functions and Scope
- Function declaration and expression
- Parameters and return values
- Arrow functions
Practice Exercise:
- Refactor previous exercises to use functions for different tasks (e.g., input handling, calculations).
Scope and Closures
- Understanding scope (global, local)
- Function scope vs. block scope
- Introduction to closures
Practice Exercise:
- Create a program that demonstrates the concept of scope and closures with nested functions.
Objects and Arrays
Working with Objects
- Creating and modifying objects
- Accessing and updating properties
- Methods and this keyword
Practice Exercise:
- Develop a simple address book application that uses objects to store contact information.
- Creating and modifying arrays
- Array methods (push, pop, shift, unshift, map, filter, reduce)
Practice Exercise:
- Create a program that manipulates an array of numbers to calculate the sum, average, and find the maximum and minimum values.
DOM Manipulation and Events
Introduction to the DOM
- Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM)
- Selecting elements (querySelector, getElementById)
- Modifying elements (textContent, innerHTML, style)
Practice Exercise:
- Develop a program that dynamically updates the content and style of a webpage based on user interactions.
Handling Events
- Event listeners (click, change, submit)
- Event object and properties
- Event delegation
Practice Exercise:
- Create an interactive to-do list application that allows users to add, remove, and mark tasks as completed.
Asynchronous JavaScript
Asynchronous Programming
- Introduction to asynchronous programming
- Callbacks, Promises, and async/await
- Error handling in asynchronous code
Practice Exercise:
- Develop a program that fetches data from an external API and displays it on a webpage.
Practice Project: Interactive Web Application
Throughout the course, participants will work on a practice project that incorporates all the concepts learned. The project will involve developing an interactive web application, such as a personal blog or a simple game, that includes:
- Module 1-2: Setting up the basic structure and variables for the application.
- Module 3-4: Implementing control structures and functions to handle user interactions.
- Module 5-6: Using objects and arrays to manage data and dynamically update the DOM.
- Module 7: Integrating asynchronous features to fetch and display data from an API.
By the end of this course, participants will have a solid understanding of JavaScript fundamentals and hands-on experience with developing interactive web applications. They’ll be well-equipped to tackle more advanced programming challenges.
… and begin your new journey in programming today!
Dive into the world of programming with engaging and interactive courses for participants of all skill level, guided by expert It Engineers and Tutors!
Explore fundamentals of coding through modular sessions of hands-on and fun projects. Our course structure ensures flexibility for those with busy schedules.
Our eco-friendly community workshops in IoT and STEM engage participants of all ages from our local neighborhoods, fostering innovation and sustainability.
Book a course, or join us at our easily accessible locations and start your journey to becoming a proficient programmer today!
- Categories
- IT, Learn, and Software Development