
0.96″ OLED display SSD1306 (128 x 64)

Original price was: $8,00.Current price is: $6,00. inc. IVA

The SSD1306 is a 0.96-inch I2C OLED display with a resolution of 128×64 pixels. It’s a monocolor display that doesn’t require a backlight, resulting in excellent contrast even in dark environments. The OLED pixels consume energy only when active, making it power-efficient. You can easily connect it to an Arduino using the I2C pins, and it communicates using the SSD1306 driver.

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The SSD1306 is a popular 0.96-inch I2C OLED display used in various electronics projects. Here are the key details:

  1. Display Features:
    • Monocolor: The SSD1306 display is monochrome, with 128×64 pixels.
    • Contrast: It doesn’t require a backlight, resulting in excellent contrast in dark environments.
    • Low Power: The OLED pixels consume energy only when active, making it power-efficient.
  2. Pinout and Wiring:
    • The SSD1306 communicates via I2C (two-wire) protocol.
    • Connect it to an Arduino Uno as follows:
      • Vin: 5V
      • GND: Ground
      • SCL: A5 (Clock)
      • SDA: A4 (Data)
  3. Libraries:
    • Use the adafruit_SSD1306.h and adafruit_GFX.h libraries.
    • Install them via the Arduino IDE Library Manager.
  4. Functions (for text and graphics):
    • display.clearDisplay(): Turns off all pixels.
    • display.drawPixel(x, y, color): Plots a pixel.
    • display.setTextSize(n): Sets font size (1 to 8).
    • display.setCursor(x, y): Sets text position.
    • display.print("message"): Prints text.
    • display.display(): Updates the display.
  5. Testing:
    • Load an example from File > Examples > Adafruit SSD1306 in the Arduino IDE.


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